Thursday, April 28, 2011

missing pieces

this was a different kind of blog of sorts that the critics liked more than the others because it was less personal and more creative in an abstract kind of randomly casual methodology of thoughts and such that mattered only for a moment if that long and occasionally could have been profound if one delved into the meaning but the story never really got off the ground because the emo grabbed thin air and fell from the sky with silent messages (what?) from the sci-fi imagination to the wishing well of emotions long sleeping long burning long lost in the busy business of living each day and then, it got sleepy and less fun to read and write, so the critics went away leaving their own form of silent messages that sent mr tanner back to sorting through his clothes singing softly to himself as i used to do once upon a time, so what is left now...


Friday, April 22, 2011


first, you may notice the warning that random links may appear randomly slipped into this entry in random moments with or without logical reason or rhyme cuz that is the way it hangs around here tonight as i ponder the plethora of posts poured into the (e)thereal in minutes that appear to be hours or days, even, or longer, even more, and the rampant self-indulgence is not as mindless as it may appear to the mindless who do not understand the conceptualizations and rationalizations i present in me pontifications presented presently and for posterity in posts now and then and whenever they appear which only goes to show that it is, as rosanne said, it's always something, even three somethings sometimes (somewhere) and little do you know that i secretly long to share everything with someone who can and will share everything with me (cuz it takes two and it is not all about me, really it's not, no matter how much i joke or tease or appear to be totally self-absorbed, i am seriously not that great a sponge cuz the truth is i doubt anyone could ever absorb all of me, not even half, though i continue wishin and hopin in more than just song cuz there's always hope, so give it to me one more time and just watch me share :)

Monday, April 11, 2011

did someone say easy?

i mean, living day to day, out of touch with the rhythm and blues, or something like that in that certain state of mind that i may have long left behind, but that may be one that too many that, after all, in the grand scheme of things, becomes meaningless cuz there may just be a resounding lack of clever thoughts and a redundant abundance of repetitious sameness that makes that whatever that was (or something like that)...

Thursday, April 7, 2011

used to be so easy

or at least it was easier than it seems to be now, i mean, just based on the productivity in the number of entries being spread on this log, or blog, if you are not grossing yourself out, because i had something to say and it slipped my mind and that seems to be the trouble (oh?... what seems to be the trouble?), a distinct lack of time to focus on emptying my mind and wouldn't it be ironic (or something) if that was the way one loses one's mind (or something like that) and in the end, the memory is the first thing to go (or is it the last?) cuz once it goes, you don't remember what went before...


Friday, April 1, 2011

surely, don't call me bullsugar

yeah you can give in to self-pity
and just end up feeling shitty
and put off everyone you meet
like your throne is the toilet seat
or you can choose a different way to see
right for you might not be right for me
some will calculate it and some will feel it out
but you decide what your life is about
and that is what life really is about

as nebulousas you want to be
it's still mostly bullsugar to me


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